Frequently Asked Questions
EAB Products
Where can I buy EAB products?
EAB tools are available in over 2,700 retail stores across North America. Find a store near you. Additionally, a selection of EAB products can be purchased online through participating retailers.
Do EAB power tool accessories fit all power tools?
EAB manufactures an extensive selection in every product category, numbering hundreds of SKUs, in all the popular sizes and profiles. Additionally, we take care to offer oddball sizes and hard-to-find specialty products. We are very proud to offer an accessory to fit almost any tool and cut any type material.
What power tool accessories does EAB offer?
EAB currently offers more than 165 different carbide saw blades, over 100 options of diamond saw blades, at least 65 SKUs of oscillating tool accessories, and over 1,000 other products, including router bit variations, abrasives, hole saws, jigsaw and reciprocating saw blades, drill and SDS bits, plus screwdriver and impact bits. You can search for the exact power tool accessory you need on this website.
How can I tell the difference between EAB DIY quality products and top of the line heavy duty quality?
EAB products are categorized with the following easy-to-spot quality symbols:

General Quality
For light contactor and do-it-yourself (DIY) use.

Professional Quality
For heavy-duty use by contractors and professional users.

Industrial Quality
For extreme heavy-duty use by contractors and industrial users.
Where does EAB manufacture its products?
EAB has a 40,000 square feet manufacturing facility in British Columbia, Canada where it remanufactures exchange tool accessories to original, or better-than-new, quality. Additionally, EAB manufactures new products in this facility. All other products are manufactured to our strict and exacting standards overseas in Asia, United Kingdom, Germany, and Switzerland.
Why does EAB offer so many different products?
At EAB we pride ourselves on being able to offer the right power tool accessory to do the job; the right blade to fit any saw on the market and cut any material, as well as the right bit, hole saw, and abrasive for every job. Because of the many variations in needs, we have a large variety of product options to satisfy every need.
How come EAB power tool accessory prices vary so much?
Our goal is to offer the right power tool accessory for every job. Our general (GEN) products (for light contractor and DIY use) are economically priced; our professional (PRO) products (for heavy duty use) perform at a higher quality; and our industrial (IND) products (for heavy-duty use) are our toughest and most durable top of the line products, and therefore in a higher price range.
What is the difference between the EAB product brands, Exchange-A-Blade, Razor Back and Stay Sharp?
Exchange-A-Blade is our flagship product offering a range of quality products. Razor Back is an elite line of specialty products designed for supreme performance and toughness. All Exchange-A-Blade and Razor Back products are exchangeable—when you are ready for a replacement item, bring it back to your retail store to get a credit towards your next purchase equal to the credit exchange amount printed on the label. Stay Sharp is our expansive line of complementary power tool accessories that matches the quality of our exchangeable lines. All Stay Sharp products are recyclable.
EAB’s Green Exchange System
How can I save money by buying Exchange-A-Blade and Razor Back products?
That’s easy. Simply buy your first Exchange-A-Blade or Razor Back power tool accessory at the regular purchase price. Use it until it wears out and you need a replacement, then return it to your retail store in exchange for a replacement item; the price you’ll pay will be the purchase price less the exchange credit amount. E.g., If the original price is $45 and the exchange credit is $18, your second and subsequent purchase price will be $27. When you use the blade exchange system continually, you can save up to 40%.
Am I just paying an inflated price to start with?
Absolutely not! Our Exchange-A-Blade and RazorBack power tool accessories are constantly price checked against similar quality products in the market. Dollar for dollar you will find that the green exchange system offers you outstanding value.
What happens if I return a damaged Exchange-A-Blade or Razor Back product—can I still exchange it?
Yes, you can still exchange an Exchange-A-Blade or Razor Back product that has been damaged. This is another advantage of the green exchange system. If you damage any other brand of blade, you are stuck with a ruined blade and have to buy a new one at full price. And we make sure damaged items go to a metal recycler, where the steel is recycled.
How can I recognize EAB exchangeable products?
All Exchange-A-Blade and RazorBack products can be exchanged. You can quickly identify our environmentally sustainable products by looking for these brands at your local retail store locations. You will notice the following exchange information on the labels.
Why can I only exchange Exchange-A-Blade and Razor Back power tool accessories?
To be able to guarantee the quality of a remanufactured blade, we need to know its origins. By only accepting our Exchange-A-Blade and Razor Back items for exchange, we can be assured of maintaining the high quality of our exchange products.
Are all products on the Exchange-A-Blade and RazorBack rack remanufactured?
No. At any one time more than 80% of the Exchange-A-Blade and Razor Back exchange tool accessories are brand new.
How can I tell if the EAB product I bought is brand new or remanufactured?
We guarantee it’s impossible to tell whether your Exchange-A-Blade or RazorBack product is new or if it has been remanufactured. That’s how sure we are of the quality of our workmanship. All Stay Sharp products are brand new.
EAB’s Recycling and Remanufacturing System
Why recycle saw blades?
The manufacturing of new power tool accessories requires large quantities of iron ore, coal, energy, limestone, and water. Additionally, the process produces significant quantities of water pollutants, air emissions, and solid waste. By recycling returned products, we reduce the consumption of natural resources and eliminate waste in support of sustaining our planet. Furthermore, selected exchangeable products are up-cycled and remanufactured, at our North American manufacturing facility, to original or better-than-new quality. A process that further contributes to preserving our planet.
Can I return any power tool accessory to EAB for recycling or remanufacturing?
EAB welcomes the return of all EAB power tool accessory brands (Exchange-A-Blade, Razor Back, and Stay Sharp). You may drop off any of our used products at participating retail stores in your area for shipping back to EAB. Only Exchange-A-Blade and Razor Back carbide exchangeable blades will be considered for remanufacturing, if they meet our strict standards. Participating retail stores also collect other brands of power tool accessories and ship them back to EAB’s eco central for recycling.
Why does EAB remanufacture blades and not just sharpen them?
A quality blade, like a quality knife, can be sharpened many times. But what was once common practice—using a local sharpening shop—is now an inconvenience and often produces poor results and marginal savings. EAB guarantees that the blade you buy today, regardless of whether it is remanufactured or brand new, will give you the same great performance as the one you returned. And by remanufacturing blades, we save natural resources, cut down on waste, and contribute to preserving our planet.
Does EAB remanufacture every blade?
No. As blades are received at our North American manufacturing facility, each one is carefully inspected. Those that fail to meet any of our strict standards, are recycled. With this process you are guaranteed a perfect remanufactured product, yet natural resources are not wasted.
Does EAB remanufacture only blades?
For a time, EAB also remanufactured its router bits, however the complex geometry of router bit design made remanufacturing challenging. Because we could not achieve our ‘good-as-new goal,’ it was discontinued. Currently we remanufacture only blades.